The Crowd May Be Wrong!
People said that Christopher Columbus would sail off the edge of the earth, but in 1492
he discovered America.
People laughed at the Wright brothers' attempts to create a flying machine, but in 1903
they flew the first airplane.
Albert Einstein's teachers failed him in school, but he went on to be the most famous
scientist of the twentieth century.
Musicians and critics booed the music of Richard Wagner, but his compositions transformed the music world.
Westinghouse was called a fool for daring to stop a train with wind, but today his
airbrakes are used the world over.
People called Abraham Lincoln a country bumpkin, but he went on to become one
of our most respected presidents.

We smile at the crowd's failure to appreciate something new or different. But being wrong can be a serious problem when it comes to our relationship to God. Too much is at stake.

Because you and I have sinned against God and man, we deserve God's punishment. The Bible says that "the wages of sin is death," eternal separation from God.1

But God offers us "eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord."2 "For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life."3

You can be wrong about many things, but you dare not be wrong about Christ. Through faith in Him you can be saved just as you are. Your sins can be forgiven and the peace of God can fill your life: "As many as received Him, to them He gave the right to become children of God, to those who believe in His name."4

Whom will you choose? The crowd or Christ?

Bible References:
1 Romans 6:23a,
2 Romans 6:23b,
3 John 3:16,
4 John 1:12.
