Sanford Bible Church
"Holding fast the word of life" Philippians 2:16
2460 Sanford Ave; Sanford, FL
Welcome to the website of Sanford Bible Church! "Bible" is our middle name! We are an independent, Bible-teaching church that desires to know Jesus Christ and to make Him known. We are committed to proclaiming salvation by God's free grace through faith in the person and work of Jesus Christ alone; systematically teaching God's Word in order to equip believers to live in this challenging world; and supporting the work of missionaries who are touching lives for Christ around the world. |
Services: Sunday School: 9:45 am Sunday Worship: 10:45 am Wed. Prayer Meeting: 7:00 pm |
Upcoming Speakers: Feb 9—Bob Nyberg Feb 16—Joe Goodman Feb 23—Rob Ketcham Mar 2—Bob Nyberg Mar 9—Ken Frost Mar 16—Dan Thomas Mar 23—Wayne Gibson Mar 30—Rob Ketcham |
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